Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Bibliophile Tool: Personal Library Kit

Everyone who loves books can attest that it's so difficult to lend one's precious babies. Even if you're done reading them, the feeling of attachment never goes away. You just can't let these books go because they made you feel mirthful, melancholic, and/or maddened at one point in your life. Books can likewise be regarded as assets which you'll later pass on to your kids, grand kids, and so on.  

Sadly, there are some who commits the Two Grave Sins of Book Borrowers: returning books with disheveled pages or not totally returning the book.  I don't know which one is more painful because when it comes to my reads, I am extra careful. Each page has to be turned with precaution and the spine shouldn't be completely spread out to avoid unsightly creases. Imagine how disheartened I was when a book was returned to me with folded cover and falling-apart pages. There were even chocolate stains inside!

As for the second sin, I do practice patience but you can still encounter people who have selective amnesia. Meaning, they only forget things connected with book returns. If you're like me who does not want to badger a person about his/her responsibility, this tool can help you - Knock Knock's Personal Library Kit

Through this kit, you can act like a librarian to monitor whose home your beloved book is staying in. It comes with library cards as well as the classic date stamper. One checkout card even says, "Overdue penalties may apply".  Your friend will then have a clear warning that your personal library does not tolerate borrowers who build their collections by "shopping" in other's shelves.  

Who said that reminding should be a ho-hum task?


Jadey said...

I so know what you mean! I have loaned some books to friends and never got them again. So annoying!

Trisha said...

Cool I need something like this about now @@

Czjai said...

This is sooooo cool!
And I totally understand how you feel. I'm a Scrooge when it comes to my books, too. :)

Stef dela Cruz, MD said...

OMG this is SUCH a good idea! My obsessive-compulsive traits kicked in when I saw this cute library kit. And you're right, people will think twice about not returning your book promptly if they see how serious you are with "book keeping", literally. ;)

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